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3 - The code in the names: Chakras, Glands and Pine Tree

Writer's picture: Altar BaykalAltar Baykal

There is a word called pinus in Latin and this word gives rise to two words.



- English " pituitary", Turkish "pituiter"

- It is "çam" in both Turkish and English.


The words pituitary and pituitary are the names of one gland, the "pituitary gland."


The pituitary gland, or pituitary gland, is a pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain, behind the bridge of the nose, and is called the "master gland", which regulates very important body functions - such as growth and sexuality - with the hormones it produces.


Now let's move from science to mysticism.


In Hinduism, as I'm sure you know, there are chakras. These are abstract areas in the body.

However, two chakras have concrete physical counterparts in the body, namely the "third eye" and the "crown chakra."

The crown and brow are the only two chakras whose intelligence centers are located in specific physical locations, namely the pituitary and pineal glands. The intelligence centers of the other chakras are all non-local, meaning they are not directly related to physical anatomy.

The "3rd eye chakra" located in the middle of the eyebrows is connected to the pineal gland;

The "crown chakra" located at the top of the head corresponds to the pituitary gland.


Another name for the pineal gland is the "pineal gland". Let's read the reason why this gland is called "pineal" from Wikipedia: "The gland is named because its shape resembles a pine cone ." (Wikipedia - "Pineal Gland" article)


Research has shown that the pineal gland and pituitary gland

z) shows that there is an interaction between the secretions of the gland.


Our dear friend pine - not unrelated elements such as table, wind, nails - is the name-brother of the two most important glands in our body! In fact, it is most probably their name-mother/father; because although glands were discovered by science in the 17th century, the name of our pine tree dates back to very old times. Do you think the source of this situation could be forgotten information? I think it should not be forgotten that there may be mystical, psychic and mythological connections behind the roots of common names.


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