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Writer's picture: Altar BaykalAltar Baykal

According to matriarchal paganism, there are EM radiations in the Moonlight that contain positivity!


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Çamlar, Ay suyunu güçlendirirler.

The human brain has perceived this information through impressions and created such pithy sayings as "As bright as the moon", "A piece of the moon, God willing", "Rising like the moonlight". The sun gives life... but also kills. The sun, electricity and us men (if you don't believe it, look at our chromosomes, half of them are worse "y") are "in between". You cannot look at the sun when it is most active, it can only be looked at when it rises and sets. The moon, on the other hand, is accessible (can be looked at) and beautiful at every moment and in every phase.

The universe came into being when a wave function (a structure beyond matter) that was preceding and full of holiness was attacked and divided by a negative force. This division is the materialization of the wave function through quantum collapse and is reflected in science as the "Big Bang". Existence is the objective form of this negative subjectivity parallel to its form. That is why the Moon is next to the Sun.

(woman, next to man) is secondary.


Although it is difficult to accept, in Islam, which is a pagan religion (or rather, in Islam, which is the most beautiful form of paganism that has been put into a religious format), the Moon is therefore sacred and everything in this religion is based on the Moon. What I mean is that living as much as possible based on the Moon, being in sync with the Moon energy, can give a more beautiful life.


According to esotericism, the electromagnetic vibrations emitted from the Moon can be trapped in water. That is why "Moon water" is a frequently used element in pagan witchcraft. To obtain moon water, it is enough to put demijohn water (preferably sea water) in a bottle and leave the bottle open in the moonlight during a moonlit night.


If you put alcohol instead of water in the bottle, you can use this liquid to make cologne; a few drops can be added to after shave or eau de cologne. Alcohol is sacred in paganism and matriarchy because it destroys bacteria, which is a focus/cluster of negative energy; that is why it is poured on the wound.


After making the moon water, it should not be kept for more than six months. Charging it occasionally increases its power. For this purpose, it is enough to bury the bottle in which the moon water is placed in the ground for one night, or hide it among the branches of a pine tree in the evening and take it out the next day. (The pine tree is the resurrected form of Attis, the beautiful Mother Goddess Cybele who was killed by a wild boar. ( My article on the subject is here! )


To make moon water more effective;

- You can put a magnesium pill in it,

- sandalwood incense can be added,

- Some of the smoke from a fragrant incense can be trapped in the bottle.


If you are in spring or summer, determine the hours of the moonrise, go to a place where you can see the moon (if you are lucky, this place can be your balcony or even your garden) Apply moon water to your face for youth and beauty and "Be the moon". :-) (In other words, expose your face to the moonlight for a while.) The most efficient form of this process can be performed when the moon is in its full phase. During the waning period of the moon, the power of the radiations has slightly decreased.


Men can also do this work; because in matriarchal paganism, beauty is not related to effeminacy. In other words, the moon water does not give a "feminine air". The real meaning of the moon is explained in Islam with the most important name of the moon (even the most auspicious of the names), "Vedud": The meaning of Vedud is not "the most beautiful"; in other words, Vedud does not refer to aesthetic values. Vedud means "the most worthy of being loved".


In matriarchy, beauty is interpreted as "what arouses pleasant feelings in the soul of the beholder"; although it is also related to sexual attraction, it basically has the effect of making people happy. Therefore, the study in question may provide gains for men in business life (for example, by appearing likeable and reliable in relations with bosses or customers); because studies show that we trust people whose faces we like more and are closer to accepting and even loving them.


On top of that, Vedud is one of the pre-Islamic Meccan idols; his name is Vedd… and he is male.


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